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Our Story

Our story begins in 2010 when a drummer and a singer decided to rock the world and give the planet its best Journey salute ever.  Its been a long and painstaking task to find the right players as well as fill ins that understand the vision we have.

What we wanted to create was a tribute to Journey that focuses on the classic and wonderful music without "gimmiking" it up with wigs and costuming that caricturizes the band instead of celebrating the music.  We also want to capture the feeling you get when your favorite songs from a by gone era are realized again with the same proficiency as when Journey first created and played their greatest hits. 

And by the way, we all dress to impress everywhere we go.

So help us continue the ongoing story of a bunch of guys who want to rock the world and make a few friends along the way!!!

And now... its time for Radio JRNY!!!!

Concert Live Audience
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